omg compare and contrast!!! wa kao, that guy is so good!!! must bai ta wei shi!!!! man! i m absolutely stunned!
i m not stealing the pic! i onli want more ppl to see, copyrights to Kaedi from oekakicentral..........gomennasai!!!
Time to update about yesterday, boy, t'was pretty crazy....
yup, it was the Manga Competition, plus the movie preview of Casshern, I will tok abt de movie later.
Ferst, it was the competition, i guess it was pretty smart of them to decide to not fix any place for us to draw, they told us we could sit anywhere we like within de boundary between "this building" and "that building", they don have to busy themselves to arrange anything (I was jus bitten by a god damned bug), and we could make ourselves real comfortable, me and Sarah sat at against de pond, the pond was rather beautiful, with ALOT of fish. And mind you, when they say it's a building, it really is one, if i was a guy, i would have went to Chinese High no doubt, the school itself is enough to shut u up, damn, it's huge @. @ So yup, we started drawing at 4.30 sharp. We were supposed to draw 1 out of the 6 Casshern characters into Manga style, Sarah drew Luna, coz she thinks she's really beautiful, and I drew Barashin, coz he's really cool. Well, i think that both of us did pretty well tt day, and the pictures were bravo, her Luna looked so sweet and my Barashin looked so hot, haha.... after that we went to hand in our works, according to character, and we saw really great ones, the pros, and the really bad ones, "amateurs" i told Sarah. She said i was mean, i bet she's got it in her mind too, only that she didn’t say, hmmm.
After that, we walked around a little before the buffet started. Man, when it comes to food, it seemed that everyone turned into savage animals, i could never forget the picture when all de ppl swarmed to the food, it took the both of us quite some time before we managed to get our dinner, that was when the troglodytes started to evolve, they queued up, how amazing, this was like a miniature evolution stage, haha.
One terrible thing happened when we were scooping our fried rice and mee?? (Forgot what its called), guess who popped up from nowhere and said "Hi.” o, it's too terrible to refresh the memory.......... ok, let me continue the story. We sat on one of the benches and devoured our food. it was really good! Yum Yum! But i can't help to notice what's going on with the family sitting right opposite us, we were "this" close. Sitting in e middle was a scrawny thin little ger, in between her parents (i think, coz one of them looked pretty old to me), and oh man, i wonder whether tt ger has any dress sense, she's already that skinny that it made her head look big, she's still wearing clothes that makes her look skinny all the more, haizz, how i wish to tell her....
on her right left was her Mom, another woman with bad dress sense, i cant remember exactly what she wore, except for the strikingly pink scarf she has round her neck, and her pinkish makeup combo, oooo, no offence, but she really reminds me of that evil woman from e Dalmatian movie, Devila (was it????). I guess, the ger must have felt all embarrassed as the pink-Dalmatian-evil-woman wasn't really well mannered, although i can see she tries very hard to look all nice and ravishing, but i guess she just tried too hard. Ok, enough with this, Sarah’s gonna say I’m v mean.............am i? I thought i was a rather kind person, hehe.
After the food, was the movie preview.
The movie Casshern, was produced by a used-to-be MTV director and photographer, Kazuaki Kiriya, who's also Utada Hikaru's husband, that solves e mystery why they kept playing Utada's songs, over and over again, but it was nice, both me and Sarah loved Sakura Drops.
According to what I’ve read abt the movie on the admission ticket, Casshern cost US$6 million, which contained 70% CGI, what they say a unique (why do they say "a" not "an") blend of live action photography and computer generated anime effects, which was very very true....
the story's about 2 men's struggle with love and life. (I just found out that bloody bug bit me 2 times!!!)
List of Characters...........
Prof. Azuma (genetics scientist), Prof. Midori (wife of Azuma), Tetsuya (Son of Azuma), Luna (Tetsuya's Love), Dr Kozuki (Luna’s Dad). New-Cells-Generated-Human aka New Human: Brai, Sagray, Barashin, Akubone, Casshern (Tetsuya)
(ok, i m copying this following part wholesale from e synopsis on e ticket, heehee)
The father Prof.Azuma, sacrifices family life to find a cure for his terminally ill wife Prof.Midori, a victim of the chemically continuous war.
The son Tetsuya, who is alienated from Azuma, is unaware of his father’s military supported secret experiments on human cell regeneration, which could provide mankind with everlasting life. (Which is reproducing human body parts, but later in e show, the body parts joined together and formed e nu human...)
Against his father's advice, Tesuya leaves his fiancée Luna and volunteers for military service. He dies in combat. Strikingly beautiful Luna is shattered at her loss (i dono y they wanto mention tt she's strikingly beautiful here, doesn’t make much sense).
It is as if heaven heard Luna’s longing for Tesuya, a powerful lightning bolt strikes and Prof.Azuma's human cell regeneration pool begins to activate. Body parts rejoined and mutants emerged.
Casshern, the reborn Testuya with superhuman powers (these powers made him look like Power Ranger and Chicken, according to Sarah and me), returns to "Stop e War" between mutants, their army of robots and the ruling Eurasia armed forces. Will Luna find her loved one in Casshern? Can Professor Azuma save his wife? Is it possible for mankind to co-exist and avert self-destruction? .....This US$6 million Casshern Partners and Shochiku Presentation of a live action sci-fi adventure film directed by Kazuaki Kiriya has won critics ' praises since opening in April 2004 in Japan.......Almost 70% of the film is CGI, a unique blend of live action photography, a computer generated and animated effects. Kazuaki Kiriya who is one of Japan's top fashion photographer and MTV director recently married Utada Hikaru, a top international J-pop star, who sang the Casshern theme song..............
Ok, that was e synopsis. i was very eager to watch this movie after i read these, but was really disappointed after the movie's finished. Let me tell u my part of the story. Ahem....
the movie started with Azuma announcing to the audience abt his theory of the new cell thing, and made the crowd real angry which later left, leaving only the above mentioned military ppl, bcoz the Commander (a reeeelly old man) wants to live longer... and blah blah blah (there’d be some missing parts, coz i do not have a superb memory). Then was e scene of the Azuma family and Luna + her father taking photos in a reeeelly beautiful garden with those white flimsy stuff flying around, it was really a beautiful picture, and i have to admit that Kazuaki sure puts in photography skills to good use. (Back to e show) so they were taking the picture, and suddenly Tetsuya announces that he wants join army, but Azuma disagrees, and you know typical father and son quarrel. One thing i wanna mention is that, when Tetsuya announces that he wants go army he said it (in Jap) so fast and emotionless, u'd think he's a lousy tape recorder. So yar, Tetsuya joins e army and went fighting with the 7th ??? (paiseh, forgot what they called it) and the scene goes back to Azuma in his lab and was toking with Dr.Kozuki, telling him tt his theory isn't working blah blah blah when his phone rang ..........
Meanwhile, Ds.Midori was still in that beautiful garden with some other ger, when some car arrived outside and she sent the ger to go look. After the ger's gone, Tetsuya appeared and went to Midori and told her "Mom, I'm back." what a touching scene, beautiful mother and handsome son.............. They went on toking for a while before the ger returns, with a guy whom i suppose is Tetsuya's comrade in battle. Then he saluted, and suddenly it was soundless, and u could only see his mouth moving (typical MTV style), luckily both Sarah and me could read his mouth and knew wad he said, hahahahahaha. Well, he said "tetsuya ga shin!” which meant testuya is dead. Then he went on about how he died (he was killed by a bomb when he was trying to carry a little ger up) and what an honorable death it was and he'd be granted the highest military funeral, in between sobs and tears and bogies. The scene switched back to Midori, and u cant actually see her face draining, coz she was wearing all white, her expression then really tears ur heart, u know, so sad that we almost shared her sadness. But it was her scream of despair that triggered our tears, (i did shed a few at tt moment, honestly). Then de lightning strike Azuma's lab. It could be so amazing if they jus let the bolt go, but instead the bolt solidifies and just, well, stayed there, in the lightning shape some more..........u'd think it's stupid, typical MTV again.........
after the lightning, the bodies in the lab, in the red water pool, or was it blood pool whatever, started joining up, and WOALA!!! The pool's filled with naked bodies........... Whoever called the military, and they all started shooting all the naked bodies, only some managed to escape.
They ran ran ran ran...................... no more naked, they rap themselves up with dirty linens. Their leader, Brai, however rap himself up with the military flag on top of the building (god knows how he got up there). Then more running.................. (This is getting confusing...hmmm)