Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sorry, Dad...

I got chided for being rude to my I'm feeling super guilty and regretful. It's not that I was trying to be mean or whatever, but I just got irritated when my parents start asking me about computer stuff. I mean, its difficult to explain in their terms for them to understand, and I get very fed up when I have to do this repeatedly. Not that I don't want to "teach" them about the computer, but I can't do it when they are asking me questions that are so irrelevant, so impossible, that I really hate to come up with answers to them.
If what I had said to my Dad just now was unrespectful, then I have been rude to him for all my life...I talk to my father in a tone that I use when I talk to my really close friends. It may sound rude and all, but it's actually a way of showing intimacy. juz that ppl usually don't understand...i am a queer person after all...

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