Friday, August 29, 2008

Last Holiday

i feel inspired. i've just done watching the movie Last Holiday, and i am truly inspired. Georgia Byrd (Queen Latifah) was diagnosed to have only 3 weeks to live, she took the blow, and decided to live the rest of her life to the fullest til the last. and wow, did she live it. it is so ironic! yet so human, why izzit always when u are about to lose something then u start to treasure it. we keep thinking that we still have alot of we squander it, thinking there is still tmr. this is the life Georgia used to live before she was diagnosed with disease, she lived in a box, she built herself. she dorn the cheapest clothes, put all her money in the bank, kept her feelings for someone to herself, and kept mum to many things she would like to voice out. till she found out that she had only 3 weeks to live, to hell with all the constraints. she's gonna live it like nobody. i feel so touched and inspired, and yes, i shall always rmb Georgia Byrd in the movie, and live my life like there is no tomorrow!