Tuesday, November 22, 2005

bleach leaves me wondering...

and there i was amazed to finally see Rukia's Zanpakutou, and the nxt moment i see her beaten up by "broken face" (-.-|||). I'm hurt...
it seems that the broken face ppl are sooo much stronger than Shinigamis that it hurts. Their zanpakutou release itself is so horrifying, wait til they get to their Bankai, i doubt i'd be able to take the blow.
And talk about Rukia's zanpakutou release, it was dam kewl~~~, elegant at the same time. its name is "Sode no Shirayuki" (Sleeve of the White Snow)
[Soul Society regards it as the most beautiful Zanpakutou in existence. It's a weapon that's bound to the ice and snow family of Zanpaku. The blade, the handguard, even the hilt, everything about this Zanpaku is pure white.
-First Dance: Tsukishiro, Sode no Shirayuki does not only freeze the land it touches but anything that lies within its circle.]

.....right now, i'm in a state of devastation... is Ikkaku gonna die???
Fuck that stupid volcano monster, if he kills Ikkaku, I'm gonna kill him!!!
(5min...) Oh, it seems that Ikkaku's not dead yet!!! wohoo!!! what's he gonna do? what's he gonna do? oh, oh, oh~~~ oooh, he's smiling, wow, kewl, kewl, it's so GODDAMIT FUCKING COOOOL!!!! (oops, i shudn have said tt, ><)
oh no! Ikkaku's hit by the volcano bastard's fist, and he's on fire!!! aaargh!!! water! water!!!
YES! HE LIVES!!! That's my Ikkaku!! Kick tt dick's ass, Ikkaku~~~, gogogo~~~ WOOOHOOOO!!!
darn, y izzit loading so slow....testing my patience...

Ikkaku is releasing his BANKAI.....

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