Saturday, February 25, 2006

a new anime coming ur way!

woosh! new anime to watch!
tho i've never heard of it b4, but its kinda promising ^^, excitement.
and later at 2230, its my fav kor. show! final episode, harhar, must watch.
and wad else....
the lost city of Bombay has appeared in the lift lobby, and I have to step over the relics everytime i go out or come back. Why do they have to do this? The floor looks pretty ok to me, doesnt look old enough to be replaced, y's the govt doing unnecessary things? Its not juz my block, the whole area is undergoin the same thing. Isnt it wastage?
my dad said it was inevitable coz the construction workers had to do some work, if the govt dont giv them smth to do, they'd have no income.
Guess we'll juz have to put up with Bombay for some time then. Its not that bad either, kind of fun to walk on uneven ground.

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