Thursday, May 13, 2010


while i was brushing my teeth, two things crossed my mind.
1) My pain-in-the-butt cousin will soon be GONE!
2)My new found understanding to the act of ''acting cute"

ahh, i can't begin to tell how much it means to me to be rid of the worm I call my cousin. It's been a good 3 years I had to put up with a big fat walking stranger with a freaking bad attitude and horrible brought-up. And now he's about to be gone, I actually feel a mixed tug of feelings. Honestly, he has been pretty nice to me some times,to the extend that made me consider patching things up with him. but it always falls short and I can never forgive him entirely. It just made me think back maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh on him then, and maybe our relationship could be better. And then, I look at how he treats my parents, that teeny bit of likening flies straight out of the window. Seriously if you want me to hate you for the rest of your life, just be mean to my parents. Oh wells, soon, very soon, HE WILL BE GONE!! smilie face x 1000000000000000000000000000000!!!!

secondly, my new found understanding of the act of 'acting cute'. Lately I have observed this act is actually a formidable weapon, even my Dad uses it sometimes, ha. Even though I used to despise such acts, I now see it differently. My theory "Acting cute is excusable when you did come across as cute, it is unforgivable when you fail." (wow, my worm of a cousin is talking loudly in his room, see this kind of small things gets on my nerves, and make me an evil old woman)

as such, good morning. and pasir ris later, major sun blast and sweat buckets I foresee. shudder shudder

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