Monday, May 03, 2010

ip man

can't get enough of ip man kicking ass. Just watched Ip Man 1, I feel inspired to learn 永春..

China's tumultuous history is deeply rooted in all our hearts (I hope), even though we had been bullied and suppressed and invaded so much, we are now on the rise again, and this time round, everyone watches in fear.

As a Chinese, the least I can do is to know who I am, and not be mislead by meaningless social stigmas and shallow stereotypes. All I can say is that those who don't recognize and treasure their heritage will one day be regretful. Those who turn with distaste at 5000 years of richness are just stupid inside-out. And those who take pride in the fact they can't even speak Chinese should be beheaded and publicly humiliated.

In this day and age, one can't reject a language or culture just because they killed and humiliated countless fellow countrymen decades ago. I have learnt both English and Japanese, and both the Anglos and Japanese have learnt Chinese. Despite the occasional internal tug, appreciating another's culture and communicating using their language has nothing to do with the grudge and hatred, which inevitably, still exist.

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