Friday, March 19, 2010

Random sex-related post

There's always something mysteriously arousing about blood on lips (2.04).

Blood itself is highly excitable. I always feel a queer tingle when I see blood. It's color, viscosity and smell tease the senses. Somehow touching blood to the lips highlights the redness, and accentuates the whole impact. Possibly the notion that, it is through the mouth that blood enters, and tainting the gates somehow makes it devilishly beautiful.

Or maybe it's just that "Blood red" lips are the embodiment of Sex, and poking the lips to let out the blood accentuates the Sexiness. I can't begin to describe or analyse how the two images can combine to give such powerful sensations, the futility frustrates me.

In which case, I shall just post more bloody lips to make my point.

Focus on the lips. But LOL at the picture. If an essay's to be written based on this picture, what shall the title be?? (eg. Snow White's Guide to Seducing Birds)

This is just funny. Should dare Gerald to do this for block command. :)

What did I say about sex? Blatantly. Blood in the mouth + irrelevant clothing = sex

And to top it off! AAHAHAHAHHA

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