Thursday, June 10, 2010


I have not ranted for so long, life has been great for just that weeny short period of time.

Actually if I were to ponder over what I want to rant about, they aren't really all that rant-worthy. I mean it's all about where you set the pass/fail line, sometimes I set it higher, so that I can be more tolerating and uncalculating, sometimes the line just drop low enough for a tiny ant to make me blow my top. Today, it's pretty much low, and my mom is the trigger.

I am 100% positive that my Mom is undergoing menopause. What else explains the quarrel over something that didn't even happen?! Just a passing remark saying that if my clothes hanging outside gets stolen, I should not be blamed because where else you want me to hang the clothes? and it's the thief who should be blamed what, rite? and there she goes....spewing her big ideals about how perfect I would be if I would just drop that bad habit of doing wrong things. I mean, WTF? doing wrong things is a bad habit??? I habitually do wrong things??? and if I change my ways, i will be perfect???

why must I be perfect??? I simply can't be perfect.. I am a flawful person and so are you! what's wrong with having loads of pimples? what's wrong not appearing on a school video that I happen to be watching? things are just the way they are!!!! stop asking me explain to you how and where I find all my songs and torrents and how come I have facebook and you don't.... it's essentially because you don't use the internet! and don't ask me to teach you internet because I already did!! you just need to read and click on the links, and it's just that fucking simple!

there and then my dad will chime in, telling me how a filial daughter should be. I should be obediently and quietly listening to them, with a dumb smile on my face just so to keep them happy. hello!!!! i'm sure that's not what being filial means. not in my book anyway. seriously I don't see why you can freaking tolerate my fucking shit piece cousin but still be able to find things to pick on me. by comparison I'm like bloody perfect against that piece of godforsaken poo pile. and yet, u can even start a quarrel with me regarding "WHAT IF my clothes get stolen!"

yea yea, i will be understanding. I will keep all I have to say here and if you happen to read it, which is near impossible, because even if I leave it on in your face you won't bother reading it but will just demand that I explain it to you. I snorts.

oh well, retail therapy tomorrow.

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