Sunday, June 27, 2010


It's a pretty good anime, except the fact that both still died in the end...

anyhow, i don't believe in sacrificing one for the happiness of all, to me, it is clearly happiness for all or happiness for none, we can't build happiness upon one person's pain and anguish. Having said that, can you people stop sacrificing yourself for the sake of other people!? it's freaking sad and I just can't appreciate whatever eternal bliss after both of you such thing, uuurgh, credits to the producer for staying true to the original storyline, that is nobody dies except the two most important people. maybe it is how storywriters end their stories, by killing their leading man and woman, coz if not the story goes on and on, yup a bunch of my wishful thinking, and I really wished that they didn't die. oh my........ tiny sob.

good anime overall though, highly recommended.

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